Essential Yi Jing
What is the Yi Jing?
A mainstay of Chinese culture, the Yi Jing (also known as the “Book of Changes”) has been considered one of the founding texts of Taoism for over 5000 years. The Yi Jing is also a decision-making tool, which aims to answer a certain question in an uncertain situation. It forms part of a philosophy which sees the universe as being in perpetual movement, represented by hexagrams. There are several ways of drawing a hexagram - at Luckeys, we have chosen the three-coin method. Luckeys’ consultant then draws on all their skill and art to interpret the results, in light of the question asked, the person concerned and the context.
A hexagram comprises six horizontal lines, and is in fact a combination of two trigrams. Each line may consist of a solid line (Yang) or an open line with a gap in the centre (Yin). There are 64 different hexagrams in total.
The ability to make a relevant, accurate reading of the question posed requires mastery of several techniques:
- The Taoist approach
- The plum blossom method
- The text-based approach
As a decision-making tool, the Yi Jing allows each of us to make enlightened choices with respect for our own free will.
Yi Jing is useful both for individuals and for businesses.
Example: hexagramme no 11: «Tai» prosperity


The benefits of Yi Jing
A Yi Jing consultation can give you a clearer view of where you stand with regard to an uncertain situation, and to understand the potential outcome of a decision. It can also indicate a specific date that represents the most propitious moment to take action, or tell you when a situation will work itself out.